Common Questions
Keeping our animals and audience safe during programs is our #1 priority
How does an animal become an ambassador?
Our animals go through training to ensure that the education lifestyle is a good fit for them. They have to get used to traveling, being in strange places with new people, and having lots of people look at them and touch them. If I don't believe they can achieve this, they are not used for programs.
How come large shows don't allow for everyone to touch the animals?
We take the comfort of the animals very seriously. It is important that they have low stress experiences, so they will continue to have successful careers as ambassadors. We limit the touching to help ensure the animals have a positive experience.
How come we can't hold all the animals?
In addition to animal comfort, the safety of both our audience and animals are our top concern. Leaving handling to the educator ensures that both the animals and the audiences safety are under control at all times. We do offer programs, such as our birthday parties, that allow holding of a couple animals, and these are animals that are specifically selected for these programs because they are truly unbothered by ample amounts of holding.
How do you handle a rowdy crowd?
When you book with Her•petology, you agree to the terms that the educator reserves the right to put the animals away and/or end the program early in the event of a disruptive audience, should they determine it is in the best interest of the animals.
What happens if an animal is having a bad day?
Bad days happen to the best of us! We are firm believers in respecting animals boundaries. If an animal shows signs of stress, letting us know that they don't want to participate that day, we give them a break and try again if we are doing a booth, or simply put them away and continue on without them.